Post 8: A Subject you enjoy studying this semester
In this semester I have had five subjects, and my practice that I consider anyway like a subject, because in Social Work career the practice is a mixture between investigation and intervention, so we have also classes. Those five subjects are "Comparative analysis of public politics", "Subjects (individuals) and social movements", "English (pre intermediate level)", "Social analysis of territories", and "Social issue and inequalities". Well, I don't like very much any of these subjects, but I really love my practice in Diversity and Gender. This semester, we are doing an investigation in the district of Quilicura about homophobia, lesbophobia, and transphobia with a quantitative instrument. That instrument is a survey that delay 10 minutes or a little more, and we have to apply that survey to 380 persons of that district. That is very difficult and interesting. Besides the investigation, we have some classes, approximately once every two weeks. In this classes we learned some knowledges like heteronormativity, feminist pedagogy, non-normative sexualities, subjetivity, intersectional approach, sexual citizenships, LGBT imaginaries, among others. In this practice we have two guide teachers, Lelya and Catherine, they work with the post-estructural paradigm, and they are very experts on them topics. This subject is the more important and interesting to me, and I think next year I will continue in the same practice.
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